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tv   Documentary  RT  January 15, 2020 11:30am-12:01pm EST

11:30 am
leverage debt all you like. and you can never forget maybe you can now auschwitz was really like to be in hell because you would never believe it want to go to as a copy of a course for 30 years and open the cupboard of it it all seems so a lot of fire and decide do i make it right when i get out on the farm saw you i want to take my son to the next the oh so he can listen in hopefully bless my heart hurts me. a 1000000. more you. can come.
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visit. me. in. his. own way.
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i mean in the sun. i mean. why didn't god. give such. a massive move. it's your fault. not because the. so what the so. and i wonder what number of. the doors if. they were dead just saying how we. feel it was enough of them in every smile there was a moment when while from the. 90 day you. know the
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room was awful dead. the. moon the sun dance us round to my mind. but i'm appalled that i maybe a couple minutes. and it isn't clear yet that these dicks also saying that uganda is one of the countries with the highest and rate of child marriage in the wild because of the good news about. the destitute last a lot one need only uganda and. experienced sexual violence yeah so it is it isn't child in marriage it is bringing mousy that incident that happened and they don't see any problem with the.
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you get him out there they had people brings produce but they also bring colleagues so in northern uganda in a district called believe or out in the you know to their markets be up to id bring. home one. big cowards run the. market to be a part of the. is he really knowing i've looked so ordinary he will miss the people these the indian market as the people are really buying i'm saying but he has also become the way out of a transaction. invented
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was it a. name was it wasn't it down in the center is a bomb was a more plain the smudge on the bottle in the leg in the. ms it's a money. and it's. going up with c. . every fall wimmin that you see. every fall. one would doubt i chatted for they may even buy the girls who really suffer a lot they find themselves in that it is and they can't even say i've had my 2 children so that is enough for me to. know from them side them would do. when is to say my you as
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a man to kiss. and then you know that i'm all for. the on. one side in the 2nd in from the one i'm. a woman so i'll. just so look. ok and it isn't. like you were known but it will definitely be one day moves in by the cause of. death. we need a buffer a little but will be soon over a novel. that little.
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girl theater one. and one with nothing more than with identical. seemed to him but i'm before both of them. when they were screwing up in there about. this one. local because. i'm single and. because i'm the construct of one of the people. i know all of the. singing when they're made and that's when i want to.
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get to slowly. but i. found out it was good. i want to look to. you. you've got to be able to adequately you know that. it will go well you know you see it there are. also the ones you would need. to be evil. exactly what we're doing to run he going to beat you if. he. did it for you and it will be our last. big. pinion benaud you make me kind of you've got to hope. for the. no one what. will we
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. meet that will go what was the bowler just keep all. the want to welcome. him could become a mess. this one up. you know what i wanna swim in peace. love to speak out. about this. oh. and soon as i am cool. and i'm passing. into being. who i am again at 19 or. named in a stammering nickname next one young man or. woman i mean i know. the internet it was
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a huge. kindness and i don't quite see the force. enough to know the routine and make it out so. the name is rick so much in the. stand that. he. so you know very well that when dad we're being bought and many of them don't even give up in hospitals so you find out we give up trads one or. 2. unsisterly is one of those very painful ways to leave because you keep believing that god all they you are in so as a young guy you know very well that no man would even want to muddy you when you have feast. and. when.
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people. need to get. the message of. those you know in uganda just like in munich the truth is that the tree out what do you believe i know that i really. made a supreme ask him mine is that all that money is the bread and that their money is the one whom i. need to get trained where elu mind is valued in this same way that we live you. saw some awful i'm. starting to feel a debt it's only
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a slip. up on the piazza listen up on the ballot. write it for me and i like tom. de lay that. is you'll be a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being.
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direct. what is true what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura maybe in the shallows. in the united states presidential candidates debate the future of the us and the world. max kaiser and stacy herbert dig into the burning questions of this election cycle one self every week. tax student debt trade was corporate money universal basic income and more catch up with what's front running this sunday exclusively on r.t. . good food description sound up even for the owners so how to choose just pet food
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industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us necessarily good for the pet turns out may not be the best people belief we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems it's a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to fairy simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets streets the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making it a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research. on.
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their own books and they took so much to come do we need a dissenting view. on the sand in this one day town this one day. and this is him as a. holy day when you. miss out. in the bad. so what is. there to shabby if the maid. who did their number to. the laser we now see that a day or. but armada. gave them one.
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not one of you. know one novel are all in song. one of the sounds so much. that when i was. writing with the sort a lot of us were going to united that it did that only. that's how some of you and. our program we're going to be. it democracy. when i'm with. the rival abattoir. maybe we're really to make a game well that's what i want to call my mom when i'm with you and. read them in the game again as i'm. not one of them come i'm with you.
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one of them that. they made a mustang. sasso must. have been in a movie doesn't matter to me. so editing time is. in the news a little. gun. or your wing. come on i'm focused it wasn't long enough. what. a little while i didn't call you in the mood phone that came from the white house in fact i bring it. up with 30 minutes in my. name before. pollution in the attic i'm disappointed because he is a down the model. god didn't i didn't remove. the one i. wasn't buying i'm going to look as clueless and. the only kind that comes out of
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your i don't want to get what i want that if you want to buy it don't go over. to me i've got. my obama quote. 1000000 benefit maybe. if i were you a lady would say they would. you know mom turns on the. form design last minute. know what it was a toy. ran the idea. as a. tech on the scene and i see that in years i'm where was the.
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ball game bang. done this again i was saying that if one did. not make it or that you know your mom. will know you need. to. know. what i'm winning is a. way to get. into cable c.m.'s mean i know with all. that you mind your way into being told. there was a 20 naked woman or child. who did. none . of these. minutes out of oil with your no money. good deal of 30 people
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wouldn't. tell the police but in the dark to begin now what i mean is that i am a god. who will upset. name but if you mean demi of whom did warn him said i wouldn't approve of it mean to know that it will damage i designed . the missing guy and then bust what i need to get a. gun. and sit down no more nor less than what i've. seen that mindy able. to be if i am i will not offer you a low down on the employee that is that that was the only good that
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is easily the baby it she has been home all alone and even if it is in the mood it is. well over a week eat. it all. i did ok let me know what that will be no no it will oh well ringback if. it won't fit with you they are. willing to. eat even though we will buy that all. the. soldiers will when they get those guns give them back to you just. social packaged goods their mind and tied them from disease and i'm dead when it is god of joy and
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occasional training because we need this comes to be on the mic an odd and i'm mad it's through them you're going to get involved in that when they would resist and i don't mind that when they are way when they're still be on hold while for situ a device that need that kind of time in the j.v. event can do to me because. we're creating a bit of my understanding that of course they did something which was going to pop back to snore don't frighten me. it was. the name. of. the 7 the rest. rooms in the suit in the film. anything you want to. tell you are. now put it out
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for me when the market unloved. or right to. get to know a little sort of new good. memories running. down to move. them and in their rooms it splits wherever you see going in the. case a little bit. plaintiff. never have to sit down with the family and. close. move. on the our.
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mobiles hoboken honest woman what do we do now. poor little with a. 1000000 made fun of us and now a couple of. putting. in 50 will have been no i'm. not. committed no no. no. they're intended to get longer if. you know the one.
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before you see. we getting more people on the way how you will sympathize with a younger guy getting married very late to. be. paying when it was business as usual now you have to muddy young women of course yesterday because you know they know is also following them in 2017 the government of uganda also rolling the international track to do on ending child my way down t. made the pregnancy so this is when i was want. to leave for years before it was hit by months and now. it it is moving on the young those them so. what they are beginning to be at for out they are beginning to be mindful that right. this is.
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a huge effort. for me. to get up a war go. quite ends in death. or decision to. the body. govern we have got to do from day one but if only one is a c.n.n. one that we've got time to go into the world. would a movie and then i would i hope pointing. it at run the con in town. hall enough clear. so as i just assume we don't just want to give. a justice with empty bits it's the seeing kind. of washing.
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of women is the new novel and. to pursue me. about being good i want to know was indeed a numerous thing on women being given. a man do you know what it is up what was it. 20 c. dissing 90 take up one. stuff in the school freeze. body of the new one. with the cigar to see the new wood when is up will be the one when the moon. spaceflight you literally leave all your problems behind you fly high and above everyone and everything and then you see any and all borderlines on earth disappear
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you see that up planet is not as we're taught in schools with different countries marked in different colors separate from one another you see that all planet earth is just another it will be a big international space station on a mission in the fastness of space just like the i assess. the us lead nice little boy is keep the slime due for some new. use that he's. going to want. to see in the. most good movie. let. alone.
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this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the street. who happens to have family and daughters in florida alone my other daughter is buried in a cemetery meaning with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court. shot after shot as far as. we don't know. just from. the end of this. week you. will still not know she'll just.
12:00 pm
russia's prime minister and his entire cabinet resign to allow the president to make a series of amendments to the constitution. nominated i new head of government to replace dimitri yet. the proposed changes will give parliament the power to appoint minister is a task which is currently the responsibility the president. said to be just the start treaty according to the constitution of the russian federation the president needs only the state duma's consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinet his deputies and all the ministers i propose shifting this
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power to the state duma.


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